Make Glorious Gifts with the Lee & Pearl™ Holiday Wish Book — and Lee & Pearl™ patterns and crafts for dolls!

Make Glorious Gifts with Lee & Pearl patterns for 18 inch dolls — and the Lee & Pearl 2017 Holiday Wish Book!

Thrill them with beautiful handmade gifts this year, and watch their eyes light up on Christmas morning...

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Try L&P Pattern 1072: Corps de Ballet and Pattern 1073: Prima Ballerina for 18 Inch Dolls like our American Girl dolls.

Do you have doll-and-dance lovers in your family? Is an annual performance of The Nutcracker a cherished holiday tradition?

Try L&P Pattern 1072: Corps de Ballet and Pattern 1073: Prima Ballerina — available singly or as part of our Ballet Performance Bundle for 18 Inch Dolls — and make your own shimmering, just-like-the-real-thing tutus, perfect for the Sugar Plum Fairies in your life!

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Try L&P Pattern 1072: Corps de Ballet and Pattern 1073: Prima Ballerina for 18 Inch Dolls like our American Girl dolls.<empty>

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Try L&P Pattern 1072: Corps de Ballet and Pattern 1073: Prima Ballerina for 18 Inch Dolls like our American Girl dolls.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Try L&P Pattern 1072: Corps de Ballet and Pattern 1073: Prima Ballerina for 18 Inch Dolls like our American Girl dolls.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Try L&P Pattern 1072: Corps de Ballet and Pattern 1073: Prima Ballerina for 18 Inch Dolls like our American Girl dolls.

Perhaps your favorite doll lover prefers an early morning session at the rink, a visit to the downtown ice — or even a twirl on a backyard pond?

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Try L&P Pattern 1055: Skating Dress for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our American Girl dolls.

Check out Lee & Pearl Pattern 1055: Skating Dresses for 18 Inch Dolls. We researched championship skating dresses before drafting this pattern, and worked to get the bodice fit, hip curve and drape of the skirt exactly right.

Best of all, this pattern offers two very different bodice styles, with pieces that can be mixed and matched to create even more wonderful designs of your own.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Try L&P Pattern 1055: Skating Dress for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our American Girl dolls.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Try L&P Pattern 1055: Skating Dress for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our American Girl dolls.

Don't forget to download the FREE bonus full-length skirt pieces that we offered as a Tweak-the-Pattern feature in a previous newsletter.

With these pieces, you can turn either skating dress bodice into a gorgeous formal, recital, bridal, prom or fantasy gown. Wouldn't dresses like these make stunning gifts...?!

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Try L&P Pattern 1055: Skating Dress for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our American Girl dolls. Then download our FREE tweak-the-pattern bonus skirt pieces to turn either skating dress bodice into a gorgeous formal, recital, bridal, prom or fantasy gown.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Try L&P Pattern 1055: Skating Dress for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our American Girl dolls. Then download our FREE tweak-the-pattern bonus skirt pieces to turn either skating dress bodice into a gorgeous formal, recital, bridal, prom or fantasy gown.

Is holiday baking a family tradition?

Make cute color-blocked aprons, frilly pinafores and perfectly-scaled oven mitts for your little kitchen assistants using L&P Pattern 1022: Cookie Time for 18 Inch Dolls.

The wee oven mitts make great Christmas tree ornaments, too — and they're perfect for craft fair sales!

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Try L&P Pattern 1022: Cookie Time Apron, Pinafore and Oven Mitt for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our American Girl dolls.

With our deepest gratitude and respect for those who serve...

L&P Pattern 1010: Army Combat Uniform Bundle is one of our most exquisitely detailed patterns, and it meant a lot to us to get those details right.

From the perfect lie-flat collar on the t-shirt, to the angled pockets, detachable patches and back bellows on the jacket, to the cargo pockets, drawstring bottoms and belt loops on the pants and to a helmet cover that you can make or adapt to fit a wide range of doll sport helmets as the perfect finishing touch, everything here is based on a real-life Army uniform.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Try L&P Pattern 1010: Army Combat Uniform Bundle for 18 Inch Dolls, like our American Girl -- or boy -- doll.

A number of our customers have made this pattern using fabric from real uniforms as a gift for a loved one soon to deploy, or as a precious reminder of a family member who can't yet make it home for the holidays.

If you prefer, we also offer the doll-scale digital camo fabric shown below in our Spoonflower shop.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Try L&P Pattern 1010: Army Combat Uniform Bundle for 18 Inch Dolls, like our American Girl -- or boy -- doll.

Got history lovers — or vintage style fanatics?

Lee & Pearl take pride in our collection of historically-accurate patterns for timeless doll dress-ups — from medieval maidens to 60s career gals and 70s pop icons.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Try L&P Pattern 3001: A Late Medieval Lady's Wardrobe for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our American Girl doll.

L&P Pattern 3001: A Late Medieval Lady's Wardrobe offers gorgeous, authentic patterns for a kirtle (gown), mantle (cloak) and shift (undergarment). We've included easy-to-follow directions for historical techniques like hand-bound eyelets, spiral lacing and skirt gore insertion, as well as simpler directions for easier garb and fantasy inspired outfits.

We've also included an in-depth, illustrated section on the history of the period and people, and the garments, fibers, colors and embellishments they wore. For any historically-inclined or homeschooling family, this isn't just a sewing pattern — it's a hands-on study unit.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Try L&P Pattern 3001: A Late Medieval Lady's Wardrobe for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our American Girl doll.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Try L&P Pattern 3001: A Late Medieval Lady's Wardrobe for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our American Girl doll.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Try L&P Pattern 3001: A Late Medieval Lady's Wardrobe for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our American Girl doll.

Skipping ahead a few centuries, here's L&P Pattern 3052: Pirates, Patriots & Princes 18th Century Men's Basics. With this collection of male wardrobe essentials — shirt, breeches, work pants and lace-trimmed cravat — your doll-lovers can explore everything from the fairy tales of Charles Perrault at the turn of the century, through the explorers, adventurers and pirates of the early 1700s, the historical milestones of Colonial and Revolutionary America, the glittering courts of Europe, and even the country squires and eligible bachelors from the works of Jane Austen.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Try L&P Pattern 3052: Pirates, Patriots and Princes 18th Century Men's Basics for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our custom American Girl boy doll.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Try L&P Pattern 3052: Pirates, Patriots and Princes 18th Century Men's Basics for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our custom American Girl boy doll

Check out the authentic construction and perfect fit of our man's shirt, which follows a formula of rectangle-cut and gusseted garments that dates back even before 1700.

It's easy to find the perfect fabric for this shirt: the same blues, whites, checks and stripes that are popular for men's shirts today were just as popular back in the era of pirates and patriots. Your nearest thrift shop should have plenty of wonderful, period-accurate options, ready for up-cycling!

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Try L&P Pattern 3052: Pirates, Patriots and Princes 18th Century Men's Basics for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our custom American Girl boy doll

We originally designed L&P Pattern 1943: Molly Waves Goodbye 1940s Ladies' Suit to honor American Girl® Molly McIntire on her retirement.

Now we're THRILLED to recommend this pattern as a welcome back gift for Molly when she returns to the American Girl™ lineup in early 2018!

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Welcome American Girl doll Molly McIntire back with Pattern 1943: Molly Waves Goodbye 1940s Ladies Suit for 18 Inch Dolls.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Welcome American Girl doll Molly McIntire back with Pattern 1943: Molly Waves Goodbye 1940s Ladies Suit for 18 Inch Dolls.

Pattern 1943 includes a sweet little fabric cap, trimmed with self-fabric bows, to go with the suit. But the 1940s saw so many wonderful hat styles that we just had to create a separate pattern for a more sophisticated hat with an assortment of ribbon, feather and fabric band trims as well.

Here it is Pattern 2021: Hollywood Hats The Glengarry Hat for 18 Inch Dolls.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Welcome American Girl doll Molly McIntire back with Pattern 2021: Hollywood Hats - Glengarry Hat for 18 Inch Dolls and Pattern 1943: Molly Waves Goodbye 1940s Ladies Suit for 18 Inch Dolls.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Welcome American Girl doll Molly McIntire back with Pattern 2021: Hollywood Hats - Glengarry Hat for 18 Inch Dolls and Pattern 1943: Molly Waves Goodbye 1940s Ladies Suit for 18 Inch Dolls.

Glengarry caps look great on modern dolls as well. Here's a holiday-themed version with a jaunty plaid fabric band.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Try L&P Pattern 2021: Hollywood Hats - Glengarry Hat for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our American Girl doll.

Moving on up to the 1960s, here's our most recent patternL&P 1964: Darling Doris Ladies' Suit for 18 Inch Dolls.

This pattern is our salute to sunny, sparkling '60s star Doris Day, and to all the stylish career gals of the era — like our Mom, who got married in a light blue suit very much like this one, that she made herself from a pattern!

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Try L&P Pattern 1964: Darling Doris 1960s Ladies' Suit for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our American Girl doll.

Of course, this pattern is delightful on American Girl's 1960s historical doll, Melody Ellison.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Try L&P Pattern 1964: Darling Doris 1960s Ladies' Suit for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our American Girl doll Melody Ellison.

In 1974, fashion designer Diane von Furstenberg debuted a line of simple jersey wrap dresses, and a new fashion star was born.

L&P Pattern 1031: Classic Wrap Dress and Peplum Top is our homage to those iconic and eternally stylish dresses.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Try Pattern 1031: Classic Wrap Dress and Peplum Top for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our American Girl doll.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Try Pattern 1031: Classic Wrap Dress and Peplum Top for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our American Girl doll.

Along with full-length and knee-length jersey versions, this pattern makes an adorable peplum top as well — using just one fat quarter of ordinary cotton fabric.

Best of all, none of the variations call for a single tricky snap, button, piece of elastic or hair-snagging Velcro™. All you need is fabric and thread!

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Try Pattern 1031: Classic Wrap Dress and Peplum Top for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our American Girl doll.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Try Pattern 1031: Classic Wrap Dress and Peplum Top for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our American Girl doll.

How about an EASY and QUICK pattern for the perfect stocking stuffer or sewing lesson project?

Try one of the Lee & Pearl hat patterns.

Did you know that pattern-desiger Pearl studied millinery at the Fashion Institute in New York? She takes great pride in crafting perfectly-scaled, just-like-the-real-thing doll topper patterns that fit together smoothly every time.

Here's L&P Pattern 1006: Patrol Cap for 18 Inch Dolls — a straight-sided fabric cap with a rounded visor and flat top. It looks adorable made in anything from camo prints and khaki, to pretty cottons and tailored twills.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Try Pattern 1006: Patrol Cap for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our American Girl custom boy doll.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Try Pattern 1006: Patrol Cap for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our American Girl doll.

Here's a fun and unique style you won't find anywhere else — L&P 1007: Bush Hat or "Boonie" for 18 Inch Dolls. It's perfect for all the adventurous doll-lovers in your life!

Our Boonie's brim features innovative spiral topstitching and a neat bias tape edge. The crown is fully lined with separate, ever-so-slightly smaller lining patterns for a perfect fit. The adjustable chin strap is easy to make with purchased cord — or you can follow our directions to make your own twisted-strand cord out of embroidery floss.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Try Pattern 1007: Bush Hat or Boonie for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our American Girl doll.

Both the Patrol Cap and the Boonie have military uniform pedigrees, and look just as great made out of camo fabrics as they do out of cotton prints and twills.


MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! ATTEN-SHUN! Try Pattern 1007: Bush Hat or Boonie and Pattern 1006: Patrol Cap for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our American Girl doll and custom boy doll.

Here's another favorite for girl and boy dolls — L&P 1008: Classic Ball Cap and Big Fat Trucker Hat for 18 Inch Dolls.

We made our ball cap the right way, with six panels for a molded fit, ventilating eyelets on each panel, a "squatchee" (matching fabric-covered button) at the top, and an optional vent at the back for the look of an adjustable cap.

And our trucker hat is the cutest thing ever with a stiffly-interfaced double panel in front begging to be decorated any way you choose, and mesh panels along the sides and back.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Try Pattern 1008: Classic Ball Cap and Big Fat Trucker Hat for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our American Girl doll and custom boy doll.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Try Pattern 1008: Classic Ball Cap and Big Fat Trucker Hat for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our American Girl doll.

Finally, here's the ultimate flattering, wide-brimmed topper — L&P 1017: California Girl Sun Hat for 18 Inch Dolls.

Make this style your own with one, two or three colors alternating on the crown, a self or contrasting lining, and your choice of optional trim along the brim edge.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Try Pattern 1017: California Girl Sun Hat for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our American Girl doll.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Try Pattern 1017: California Girl Sun Hat for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our American Girl dolls.

While we're on the subject of QUICK and EASY projects, nothing beats L&P 1032: Desert Sunrise Maxi Dress, Halter Top and Beaded Choker Pattern in bang for labor buck.

This pattern has only two pieces, one of which is a stabilizing internal yoke of ordinary cotton fabric. Here's your chance to sew out of your comfort zone with fluttery silkies and liquid smooth jerseys, while still enjoying the ease of pinning and stitching to the cotton yoke that holds everything invisibly together.

They'll think you slaved for hours over this one. Why tell them otherwise?

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Try Pattern 1032: Desert Sunrise Maxi Dress, Halter Top and Beaded Chokers for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our American Girl doll.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Try Pattern 1032: Desert Sunrise Maxi Dress, Halter Top and Beaded Chokers for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our American Girl doll.

And there's more — this pattern includes a step-by-step tutorial to make pretty beaded chokers. Knock their socks off with the depth of your talent and how hard you worked. (We won't tell how easy it really was.)

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Try Pattern 1032: Desert Sunrise Maxi Dress, Halter Top and Beaded Chokers for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our American Girl doll.

For the doll lover who wants to mix-and-match her own looks, make wardrobe essentials with Lee & Pearl basics patterns!

Start with L&P 1001: Unisex T-Shirts for 18 Inch Dolls. This pattern came about after our designer tried to find a relaxed fit, unisex T-shirt that could be used in a layered outfit. Every unfitted tee she tried also featured unfitted sleeves that bunched up and got in the way of jackets or other outer garments. Our designer knew she could do better...

The result is this pattern: uniquely drafted to produce sleeves that fit snugly all the way up to a narrow armhole — ideal for layering under anything you please.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Here's the ultimate wardrobe essential, Pattern 1001: Unisex T-Shirts for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our American Girl doll and custom boy doll.

The cuffed shorts in L&P Pattern 1033: Bonjour, Paris and cargo shorts and chino pants in L&P 1004: Boy Style Pants and Cargo Shorts feature a clever solution to a different fitting problem — how to make doll shorts, pants and skirts that fit smoothly while the doll is standing, but don't get pulled down when the doll sits.

Our "No Crack Back" curved waistband solved that problem. Seriously, you have to try it!

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! For perfectly fitted shorts, try Pattern 1033: Bonjour, Paris Mini Wardrobe for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our American Girl doll.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! For perfectly fitted pants and cargo shorts, try Pattern 1004: Boy Style Pants and Cargo Shorts for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our American Girl doll and custom boy dolls.

We used the same "No Crack Back" for the pencil and denim skirts in L&P 1041: Slim Skirts for 18 Inch Dolls. We also developed an innovative construction method that keeps the skirt flat — and super-easy to sew — until the very last step.

We love all three skirts in this pattern, especially this trendy little pencil skirt with an asymmetric front panel that looks so much more complicated to make than it really is — because it's not complicated at all!

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! For perfectly fitted skirts, try Pattern 1041: Slim Skirts Denim and Pencil Skirts for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our American Girl doll.

The basic pencil skirt in Pattern 1041 looks amazing with jackets — like the blazer from our Pattern 1943: Molly Waves Goodbye.

And every doll lover on your list is going to want our perfect denim skirt, which can be made in two lengths, with all the pockets, belt loops, topstitching and working fly front openings of her dreams!

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! For the perfect grown-up look, try Pattern 1041: Slim Skirts Denim and Pencil Skirts and Pattern 1943: Molly Waves Goodbye 1940s Suit for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our American Girl doll.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! For perfectly fitted skirts, try Pattern 1041: Slim Skirts Denim and Pencil Skirts for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our American Girl dolls.

Here's one trend we spotted on the runways before it even happened in the stores — the off-the-shoulder top and dress in our Pattern 1035: Olá Brasil! Samba Top, Bahia Dress and Baiana Headwrap for 18 Inch Dolls.

The fashion magazines have declared this flattering look a new basic for the ages — and it looks great with our shorts, pants and skirts patterns, as well as on its own as a pretty, tropical dress.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! For a flattering off-the-shoulder top or dress, try Pattern 1035: Ola Brasil! Samba Top, Bahia Dress and Baiana Headwrap for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our American Girl dolls.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! For a flattering off-the-shoulder top or dress, try Pattern 1035: Ola Brasil! Samba Top, Bahia Dress and Baiana Headwrap for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our American Girl dolls.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! For a flattering off-the-shoulder top or dress, try Pattern 1035: Ola Brasil! Samba Top, Bahia Dress and Baiana Headwrap for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our American Girl dolls.

Here's an unexpected basic that you're going to want in your pattern arsenal — L&P 1051: Ballet Basics Leotard and Unitard for 18 Inch Dolls.

We've used the unitard as the ultimate base layer in lots of our girls' outfits. You can see it in the skirt pattern pictures above. And here it is with our L&P Pattern 1943: Molly Waves Goodbye suit jacket. Stylin', huh?

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! For the ultimate layering, dancing or tumbling essential, try Pattern 1051: Ballet Basics Leotard and Unitard for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our American Girl doll.

Of course, it's also the ultimate basic for all your dancing and tumbling doll lovers!

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! For the ultimate layering, dancing or tumbling essential, try Pattern 1051: Ballet Basics Leotard and Unitard for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our American Girl doll.

Finally, if you're thinking about one of the new boy dolls for the doll lover in your life, you NEED Lee & Pearl patterns.

We've been making custom boy dolls and boy doll patterns for years. This year, to celebrate the release of Logan Everett — American Girl's first boy doll — we bundled three of our most popular unisex patterns together as our BOY DOLL BUNDLE, and offered them at a significant discount from the price of the three patterns purchased separately.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS with the Lee & Pearl HOLIDAY WISH BOOK and Lee & Pearl sewing patterns for dolls! Got boy dolls who need clothes? Try our BOY PATTERN BUNDLE for 18 Inch Dolls -- like our American Girl doll and custom boy doll -- which includes three of our most popular unisex patterns at a significant discount.

And now it's time for some FREE holiday crafts, our gift to you...

We know you're too busy to go chasing things down, so we're making our FREE Christmas stocking pattern part of every Etsy purchase from now through the end of the year.

This bonus PDF will be offered as an additional download with any pattern purchase you make in our Etsy store! Of course, you can always download the stocking PDF from its original release in our Newsletter Archive, too.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS WITH LEE & PEARL PATTERNS! Through the end of the holiday season, we are including a copy of our free CHRISTMAS STOCKING pattern with every purchase in our Etsy store.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS WITH LEE & PEARL PATTERNS! Through the end of the holiday season, we are including a copy of our free CHRISTMAS STOCKING pattern with every purchase in our Etsy store.

Just like the L&P Pattern 1022: Cookie Time Oven Mitts — which use the same nifty technique to line and edge in one easy step — these stockings make great Christmas Tree ornaments and craft sale items!

Visit our Newsletter Archive or FREE STUFF page to find even more FREE holiday crafts and goodies from Lee & Pearl — like our super-popular Easy Garter Stitch Knitted Slippers Pattern.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS WITH LEE & PEARL PATTERNS! Keep 18 Inch and American Girl Doll toesies warm this winter -- get this Easy Garter Stitch Knitted Slipper Pattern for 18 Inch Dolls as our FREE gift to you.

And here's our FREE Christmas Card Printable PDF package, which comes with five vintage designs in two sizes, with matching envelopes and tiny stamps so your loved ones and their dolls can enjoy all the fun of Christmas giving!

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS WITH LEE & PEARL PATTERNS! Send warm wishes this holiday season with our FREE Printable Vintage Christmas Card Collection for 18 inch dolls, like our American Girl doll.

Chanukah — the Jewish festival of lights — begins on December 12th this year. Get your dolls ready to celebrate the holiday with our Chanukah menorah video tutorial and FREE Chanukiya printable template and instructions.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS WITH LEE & PEARL PATTERNS! Get your dolls ready for Chanukah -- the Jewish Festival of Lights -- with our FREE circa 1900 Chanukiya Craft Video Tutorial and Printable Template for 18 inch dolls, like our American Girl doll.

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS WITH LEE & PEARL PATTERNS! Get your dolls ready for Chanukah -- the Jewish Festival of Lights -- with our FREE circa 1900 Chanukiya Craft Video Tutorial and Printable Template for 18 inch dolls, like our American Girl doll, Rebecca Rubin.

And check out the rest of the growing Lee & Pearl™ Judaica collection such as our faux-silver Sabbath candles, made using craft store metal beads and our iron-on printable "matzo" craft!

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS WITH LEE & PEARL PATTERNS! Browse the growing Lee & Pearl Judaica craft collection for 18 inch dolls like our American Girl doll — such as our Faux-Silver Sabbath Candles, made using craft store metal beads, and our FREE iron-on Printable Matzo Craft!

MAKE GLORIOUS GIFTS WITH LEE & PEARL PATTERNS! Browse the growing Lee & Pearl Judaica craft collection for 18 inch dolls like our American Girl doll — such as our Faux-Silver Sabbath Candles, made using craft store metal beads, and our FREE iron-on Printable Matzo Craft!

Here's a TIP: if you've missed any of the FREE printable crafts, tutorials and patterns that we release from time to time in our newsletters, bookmark the FREE STUFF from Lee & Pearl page on our website, and check it often!

And if you aren't on our mailing list yet, JOIN NOW to get future projects delivered directly to your email inbox.

Happy Holiday Sewing and Crafting from Lee & Pearl!  

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